5月はGBS|CIDP月間(GBS|CIDP Awareness Month)です。 https://www.gbs-cidp.org/may-is-gbscidp-awareness-month-2021/ 日本ではまだあまり知られていませんが、患者の会でも5月30日(日曜)に記念オンラインイベントを計画しています。 乞うご期待! May is GBS|CIDP Awareness Month, please share the Aware, #GBSCIDPsharetheAWARE, all month long! Raise Awareness by adding a little #sharetheaware flare to your facebook profile picture. Go to your facebook page and click on the camera icon on your profile picture. Click add frame. Search for a frame by entering Share the Aware 2021 or GBS|CIDP Foundation International. Click on the frame and save.