What can you expect at the Virtual 2021 Summit on October 1 & 2? Our 2-day summit will be filled with guidance and information from leading medical experts, inspiration from other patients and caregivers, and plenty of practical tips to support you along every step of your journey. Topics will range from the latest news in Research and Clinical Trials, Best Practices for Managing Pain and Building Resilience to Coping with Long-Term Residuals. New features include: 2-Day Interactive Event LIVE Community chats Patient Moderated Ask the Experts with Global Medical Advisory Board Members for GBS, CIDP & MMN GBS, CIDP & MMN Sessions provided in the following languages (Spanish, Italian, Russian, Hindi and English) as well as several languages of translated material provided post-event! Plenary Sessions translated and sent to members in various languages post event Keynotes from specials guests & more! This event is FREE to all members, thank you to our industry partne...